Thursday, October 6, 2011

What a WEEK!...and it's still not over!

This week has been absolutely draining! I never thought I would have the moment in the week to say im bored but at the moment...I am bored! I had to work this morning at 5:45 and got off at 8 and since I dont have radiology lab today than means I dont have class until 1:00. 5 hours I do nothing. I studied a bit at work so for the moment I am taking a little break but I will probably be studying most of this "free time" I have.
So, this week consisted of a head and neck anatomy test on Monday, a dental anatomy test on Tuesday, a radiology test on Wednesday, a quiz and evaluation on Thursday (today), and a quiz on Friday. I didnt do great on my first head and neck anatomy test (83...which is a C in professional school) so this past weekend was spent all on studying for that one test. Which meant I only had Monday night to study for DA and only Tuesday night to study for radiology, and so on. Which I guess paid off bc I ended up getting a 93 on the head and neck test. Although, I did not feel very prepared for the other two tests. One grade I already got back..and it reflects it. Not horrible but I shouldve done better and I would have if I would have spent more time on it. The other I still dont know but hopefully I did ok. Im trying not to be too hard on myself about those two tests bc this week has just been a whole lot in one!
I am slowly learning that if I want A's in all my classes it means I will absolutely not have a life. So I am trying very hard to accept the B's and C's and be happy with them. When I apply for a job the dentist is not going to care about my GPA and I will still be holding the same degree and license that a straight A student will be holding. I dont know why but this has been hard for me to accept. I want A's, I want the security of knowing I have nothing to worry about and have that "cushion" come final time. I am still shooting for A's but I am not killing myself for them. My personal life means more to me than that.
The other night, I think it was Tuesday night, I got home and sat on the couch..within a minute I was asleep. I took a 30 minute nap and when I woke up Adam was up cleaning the house and cooking dinner. I went straight to the kitchen table and started studying. Dinner got done, I ate, then went right back to studying. At 9:00 Parenthood came on so I finally stopped studying and went to the livingroom. Adam ask me if I was ok and then brought to my knowledge that I had barely even spoken to him all evening. ugh I felt so bad! School is really taking over. I have got to find that balance somewhere. Luckily, I do have a VERY understanding husband. I dont think I have done 2 loads of laundry since I started school or made dinner more than a couple times, or even done the dishes. He has definitly stepped up and is taking care of everything that I usually did on top of him going to work everyday. I definitly got a keeper. I think he gets it though, he wants me to succeed just as much as I do.
On the flip side, I am not complaining about school. I love school and I know how blessed I am to be in this program. Last night, I caught up on Lucy's Blog. I have followed this blog since March. I dont see how Kate (Lucys mom) does it. It is so inspiring to see what they are going through and still be able to understand that it is God's plan for them. Kate had posted of video of Lucy getting her "new cells" and as I watched it, I thought to myself..what in the world am I doing complaining about having to study for test after test. Saying this little girl has been through a lot is an understatement. There are alot bigger things in this world than we realize. Atleast I dont realize. Sometimes I need to just stop and think how good I really do have it. God has a perfect plan for all of us. Although, we may not always think it is perfect. We need to be thankful for the life we have and live each day trusting in the Lord.


  1. You are getting it all figured out. Hang in there. :-)

    I didn't know you had a blog! I can't wait to catch up!
